
Khameera Gaozuban Ambri

In stock
Rs.2,300 Rs.465
Packaging :

Product Enlistment No: 00414.0106


An effective nervine tonic. Useful in nervine weakness, palpitation, and melancholia. Effective in a chronic cough and flu.

Suggested Use:

For Adults: 5gm (1/2 teaspoon) two times a day

For Children: 2.5gm (1/4 teaspoon) two times a day

OR as directed by the physician.

 Packing: 100gm in HDPE Jar

                 500gm in HDPE Jar

3-4 Working Days

Product Description

 Generic herbal tonic that contains valuable ingredients that acts as nervine stimulant & brain tonic, boost vitality & youthful energy for hours without negative side effects. An effective tonic for heart and brain.
Its name is due to its Ingredient Gaozaban (Borage officinalis) and Amber (Ambra grasea). (Memory enhancer). It is beneficial in palpitation, nervous debility and cough.

Each 10gm contains:

 English Name


Mode of Action


125 mg


Contains GLA which produces anti-inflammatory effect  by elevating prostaglandin-E (PGE) level that leads to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) augmentation; GLA could count as a strong suppressor of TNF-α. The mechanism mentioned above can clarify the anti-inflammatory effect. Used for fever, cough, and depression. Use as mood enhancer. A cardiac tonic as it lowers triglycerides, increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels, decrease blood pressure.

White Behen


This effect has been attributed to the affinity of flavonoids for the central benzodiazepine receptors. Furthermore a sedative effect on the central nervous system has been shown for quercetrin and isoquercetin glycosides.



Coriander active ingredients have exhilarant effects. Improve cholesterol level in normal range, normalizes blood sugar and blood pressure, Ease digestive discomfort, Exhilarant.

Leopards Bane


Sesquiterpene lactones may reduce swelling, decrease pain, and act as antibiotics which work via NF-κB inhibition and subsequent anti-inflammatory pathways. The nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway plays a major role in the development, maintenance, and progression of most chronic diseases.  The root is cardio tonic and nervine. It is useful in the treatment of melancholia, nervine depression. Effective in palpitation, paralysis, melancholia, nervous exhaustion. Strengthens heart and brain and improves digestion.

Indian Catmint


The active ingredient thought to be responsible for the calming effect and stress relieving properties.

Cooling Seeds


The presence of volatile oils in seeds help in relieving gas from the gastrointestinal tract. They are loaded with fiber and help in treating problems like constipation, diarrhea, or dysentery Refrigerant, immune active, Carminative.

Virginia Peppergrass


Expectorate the excessive phlegm in cough, effective for edema, oliguria and liquid accumulation in the thoraco abdominal cavity.

Peppergrass is often used to purge the lung’s pathogenic attack to relieve asthma and induce diuresis to alleviate edema. Symptoms that may indicate a positive reaction to the use of Peppergrass include retention of phlegm-dampness in the lungs, a feeling of fullness and discomfort in chest, inability to lay flat.

Clary Sage


Clary Sage Essential Oil is frequently used to combat depression its ability to induce feelings of joy, confidence and happiness.

linalyl acetate-rich essential oils helps to promote relaxation and better mood to have the most potent anti-stress effects. Linalool and linalyl acetate essential oils of clary sage shows antinociceptive activity related to opiodergic neurotransmission presented similar effect to tramadol and have been able to inhibit the action of protein kinase C activator, suggesting that the mechanism of action can be related to the activation of channels via protein G. 

Clary sage also has stimulating properties that trigger circulation

Borage Flowers


Contains GLA which products anti-inflammatory effect  by elevating prostaglandin-E (PGE) level that leads to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) augmentation; GLA could count as a strong suppressor of TNF-α. The mechanism mentioned above can clarify the anti-inflammatory effect.

Arabian Lavender


Decreases symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Reduces blood pressure by reduced autonomic nervous system activation and increased relaxation; Reduce GABA dependent currents and helps stabilize neurological signaling.

White Sandalwood


High in sesquiterpenes stimulate the glands and have the ability to go beyond the blood brain barrier. This basically means that they can increase the oxygen going to the brain ,  relieve anxiety, stress and depression, Headache, mood enhancer, 

Silk Coccon


Silk fibroin (SF) fibers are one kind of protein which consists of 18 amino acids, such as glycine, alanine and sericine. It is helpful for hyperlipidaemia, artherosclerosis, cardiac and neurological disorders.

Aamber Gris

11 mg

Vital organ tonic, Aphrodisiac, Mood elevator.

Silver Foil

4.58 mg

Powerful antimicrobial agent fighting infections and aiding in wound healing. Being Exhilarant silver also helps with internal heat regulation and circulation. Silver is an important element for balancing other elements in our body. It keeps our blood vessels elastic. It is beneficial for healing, pain relief and repair effects.

Tonic for heart and brain,

Titanium Dioxide

12.5 mg

Coloring Agent.

Screw Pine

10 mg

Flavoring agent and important nervine tonic.

Sodium Benzoate

8.33 mg


  • Effective nervine tonic.
  • Useful in nervine weakness, palpitation and melancholia.
  • Effective in chronic cough and flu.


Children: 2.5 gm (1/4 Teaspoon) twice a day with water

Adults: 5gm (1/2 Teaspoon) twice a day with water
OR as directed by the physician.

Side Effects:

Khameera Gaozuban Ambri is a time tested herbal product and is free of any side effects.


100gm in HDPE Jar

500gm in HDPE Jar

Shelf Life:

Use within 3 years from the date of manufacturing.


Keep away from sunlight and children.

Use within one month after opening.

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