
Majoon Mughaliz Jawahar Wali

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Rs.2,020 Rs.441
Packaging :

Product Enlistment No: 00414.00158

Increase the thickness of seminal fluid. Effective in Spermatorrhoea. Prolongs the ejaculation by lowering the sensitization of prostate gland.

Suggested Use: 5gm (1/2 teaspoon) twice a day.

OR as directed by the physician.

Packing: 100gm in HDPE Jar

                500gm in HDPE Jar

3-4 Working Days

Product Description

An Aphrodisiac is a stimulant it which forces the body to go into an overdrive by producing some chemicals and androgenic hormones which help to maintain normal hormonal balance. Aphrodisiac send signal to brain in response to which vasodilation takes place resulting in improvement in spermatogenesis and reproductive health.

Each 10gm contains:

Active Ingredients


   Mode of action


Wild parsnip


Parsnip is an excellent source of many important nutrients, packing a hearty dose of fiber, vitamins, and minerals parsnips is believed to be potent aphrodisiac.

Clary sage


Linalyl Acetate, Linalool,a-Terpineol, Germacrene D,


Clary sage oil sclareol which mimics the effects of estrogen in the body. For this reason it found effective at reducing some of the symptoms of menopause, significant reduction in menstrual cramps.

Clary sage is valuable hormone balancing oil deeply relaxing, promotes euphoria. It helps to relieve symptoms of Pre Menstrual Syndrome, eases menstrual cramps and alleviates menopausal symptoms.

White Behen


Is packed with antioxidants polyphenol EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate ) can suppress free radicals, reduce inflammation. Extracts of plant relieves sexual debility and thickens seminal fluid

Black Musale


It contains polysaccharides and saponins which have androgenic, Aphrodisiac and Erectogenic properties. Useful in treating oligospermia and improves count, volume, Liquefaction time and motility. Improves testosterone level, testicular functions and induces spermatogenesis.

White Musale


Virginia Pappergrass


The leaves contain proteinvitamin A and vitamin C which improve health due to its nutritious value.

Country mallow


Used as an analgesic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, stimulant, rejuvenative tonic and a healing medicine for wounds.  Certain sympathomimetic alkaloid is stimulant and the seeds of the plant are a good aphrodisiac.

Winter cherry


Ashwagandha is used to restore male libido, cure impotence and increase male fertility. It is widely used as a male sexuality tonic.  Extracts of the plant has a direct spermatogenic influence on the seminiferous tubules of by exerting a testosterone-like effect.

Water Chestnut Dried



Butea Gum



Pala Indigo Plant



Turpeth root


Glycosidic resin, which has the insoluble glycoside turpethein found best for reproductive health.

Olibanum gum


The changes in body and organ weight, sexual behaviour, histo-architecture and fructose levels of seminal vesicles were observed.



essential oils, fatty oil, proteins, carbohydrates, furanocoumarin, polyphenols, mineral and many other biologically active constituents.The pharmacological studies showed that Anethum graveolens induced antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, analgesic, gastric mucosal protective and antisecretory effects, smooth muscle relaxant effect, hyperlipidaemic, increased progesterone concentration, and many other effects.



Full of folate, vitamin B also contains high levels of tryptophan which is effective mood elevator. Vitamin B6 and folate,helps in arousal. Vitamin E stimulates sex hormones including estrogen in women and testosterone in men.



Khashkhash has effective to reduce internal heat and being analgesic, relaxant it’s been considered potent herbal ingredient of many traditional medicine.



Improve digestion and have antispasmodic, antioxidant effects improve body internal heat.

Puncture vine


Containing protodioscin as an aphrodisiac which Improves the sexual behavior could be secondary to the androgen increasing property and subsequent release of nitric oxide from the nerve endings innervating the corpus cavernosum which help to address erectile functions.



The sexual behavior was assessed by determining parameters such as mount frequency (MF), intromission latency, mount latency (ML) and post-ejaculatory latency.

 The ethanolic extract exhibited pronounced anabolic effects in treated animals, as evidenced by gains in the body and reproductive organ weights. Increased spermatogenesis due to treatment with extracts was also witnessed in transverse section while histo-architecture shows increase in fructose levels of seminal vesicles was observed.

The treatment further markedly affected sexual behaviour caused by reflected by the reduction of ML, increase in MF and enhanced attractability towards females.

Cowhage seed


 Levodopa (L-dopa), which is changed to the chemical dopamine in the brain to overcome low levels of dopamine in the brain. Unfortunately, most L-dopa is broken down in the body before it ever reaches the brain unless special chemicals are used with levodopa. These chemicals are not present in cowhage.

Silk cotton tree gum


It is considered an aphrodisiac menstrual discomfort, leucorrhoea and general women’s health It has a reputation for helping with sexual deficiency and libido.

Silver foil


 Powerful antimicrobial agent fighting infections and aiding in wound healing. Being Exhilarant silver also helps with internal heat regulation and circulation.

Silver is an important element for balancing other elements in our body. It keeps our blood vessels elastic. It is really important for bone formation and healing, skin formation and repair. Even more silver is absorbed through skin and has pain-relief effect.

Jawahar Mohra


Extracts has ability to improve nervine function through psychostimulation which results in reduce nervine degeneration with age and other factors.

Screw Pine


Flavoring agent and important nervine tonic & mood elevator.

Sodium Benzoate



  • Increase the thickness of seminal fluid.
  • Effective in Spermatorrhoea.
  • Prolongs the ejaculation by lowering the sensitization of prostate gland.


7 gm or (3/4 teaspoon) twice a day.
OR as directed by physician.


100gm in HDPE Jar

500gm in HDPE Jar

Shelf Life:

Use within 3 years from the date of manufacturing.


Keep away from sunlight and children.

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