
Majoon Sangdana Murgh

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Rs.180 Rs.154
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Product Enlistment No: 00414.00141


Helps in strengthening the digestive system. Helps in dissolving the flatus. Useful in dysentery.

Suggested Use: 5gm (1/2 teaspoon) twice a day.

OR as directed by the physician.

 Packing: 100gm in HDPE Jar

3-4 Working Days

Product Description

Majoon Sang Dana Murgh contains Sang Dana Murgh (Gizzard) which acts as stomach and intestinal tonic.

Each 10gm contains:

Active Ingredients


Mode of Action


272.7 mg

Acts as gastric tonic, Intestinal tonic. It is helpful in weakness of Stomach, weakness of Intestine, Diarrhea and weakness of heart and helps strengthen the stomach & intestine.


181.81 mg

a potent antioxidant and lipid peroxidation inhibitory effects increases feces water content and the frequency of defecation due to osmotic infiltration of fluids into intestinal lumen

Clary Sage

136.36 mg

commonly used as an aromatic and for upset stomach, digestive disorders,

White Behen

136.36 mg

Used for removing stomach disturbances. Exhibits anti-ulcer activity

White Sandalwood

136.36 mg

Sandalwood is regarded as coolant, sedative, astringent, disinfectant in genitourinary tracts, diuretic


136.36 mg

Coriander is a good source of polyphenols and phyto-chemicals due to its high antioxidant activity.

Hepatoprotective by lowering  serum  glutamate oxaloacetate  transaminase  (SGOT),  serum  glutamate pyruvate  transaminase  (SGPT),

Also reduces serum histamine levels  and thus helpful in hyperacidity


136.36 mg

It is also used for bladder conditions, diarrhea, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Contains the constituent myrtol which stimulate mucous membranes of the stomach. Exhibits the anti-inflammatory effects of the berry tannins, anthocyanins, and flavonoids, including the inhibition of prostaglandin activity


136.36 mg

Oregano is also used orally for gastrointestinal disorders, such as dyspepsia, bloating, and intestinal parasites.

Wild mint

90.90 mg

Spasmolytic, carminative, aromatic, antiemetic, coolant, analgesic, digestive, stomachic, and local antiseptic. ethanolic end aqueous extract act as anthelmintic. Its hydroalcholic ext. induse smooth muscles spasmolytic activity.

Citron Fruit Peel

90.90 mg

Citrus peels are the skins of fruits such as lemons, oranges, limes or grapefruits known for their high levels of vitamin C that help to stop or limit oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Being prokinetic it has stimulant effect on appetite.

Chebulic Myrobalan (Yellow)

90.90 mg

Acts as digestive, bitter, carminative, appetizer, sialagogue.

Antioxidant activity against lipid peroxidation enhances the keeping quality of food. It increases digestive power, improves appetite,

Preservative sodium benzoate

5.68 mg


Helps in strengthening the digestive system. Helps in dissolving flatus. Useful in dysentery.


5gm (1/2 teaspoon) twice a day.
OR as directed by physician.

Side Effects:

Majoon Sangdana Murgh is a time tested herbal product and is free of any side effects.


100gm in HDPE Jar

Shelf Life:

Use within 3 years from the date of manufacturing.


Keep away from sunlight and children.

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